Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Census and gay couples

That two people of the same sex live together is one thing. What makes them gay is that they have sexual contact. (I don't know that you can call it intercourse!)

So, along those lines, I suppose that the census ought to ask how often married couples have sex. That is ridiculous. Let's keep sex out of the census. That I am a man living with a man should be all the census reports on. Not on whether or not we make sexual contact. Geez!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You lie, jackass

I suppose that Pres. Barack Obama should now comment, "Joe Wilson is a jackass."

Monday, April 6, 2009

What is homosexual?

Homosexuals try to downplay their relationship by labeling themselves as "partners". If they were only partners, there are a number of terms which already reflect that. They could be called "room mates" or freinds.

However, the truth in being homosexual is part of the term. "Homo" means same, and "sexual" means gender. Gender would have nothing to do with it unless the two were having sexual activity. I call this perverse because it is not the norm. There are no species I know of that engage in homosexual activity. Bisexual organisms should be excluded from this discussion (earth worms comes to mind).